Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Child's Dream maker

 The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'. - Dan Rather

            Every child has a dream. This dream can be made or unmade by the people that surround him. One of the people that have the greatest influence on a child's dream is a teacher.

          Since my kindergarten, I have always wanted to become a teacher. They said that a teacher should be competent in all subjects. However, I always fear that I might not be able to make it in Math because I always got the lowest scores in my quizzes. I was sometimes being bullied. Because of that. I opted to be quiet, sit at the back, and hesitate to participate in the class because of the fear that I might give a wrong answer and be bullied again.

          Until, I met my grade 5 teacher in Math. She was very motherly, soft-spoken, yet crack jokes often. We call her Teacher Minda. In her class, whenever we got low scores, she encourages us to try again. After our classes, she asked us to stay. She re teaches her lesson to us making sure that we are able to understand and learn the skill. She does not stop until we are able to get a good score. She told us that Math is fun especially if we keep on practicing it. It was in her class that I started to give my interest in Math. She made me believe that I can do well. And, I did. She brought back my confidence. After grade 5, I was never bullied again.  

I never thought that I would become a Math teacher. When I enrolled in college, I remembered her. She made me believe that I can be what I want to be. I should strive hard to be like her, a Math teacher who made her student’s dream came true.