Sunday, January 1, 2012

Synonyms in Quadrilaterals

A. Description:
“Synonyms in a quadrilateral” is an instructional material which enhances students’ knowledge on the principles of diagonals of parallelogram and median of a trapezoid. It is also a means of matching the synonym of the word which can be found on the other half of the quadrilateral. This is an activity which hits two birds in a stone. This is a manner of presenting the lesson that can be both enjoyable and educational on the part of the students. This is done in pairs which helps develop relationships of students in the classroom.  This can be presented after the discussion proper to provide the students follow up on the lesson discussed.
     B. Skills Developed: Vocabulary skills, Spatial Skills
     C. Procedure:
1. The teacher distributes pieces of triangles.
2. Written in each triangle are words that need to be matched with its synonym.
3. The students will look for their partner by matching the triangles to form quadrilaterals.
4. Students will be asked to identify and describe the quadrilateral formed.
5. Each student will also share sentences using the words in their triangles.
6. The teacher will give points to those students who can find their pair in one minute.

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