Friday, December 30, 2011

Landmarks around the Globe: A Gallery of Solid Figures

  A. Description
Landmarks around the Globe: A Gallery of Solid Figures is an innovative way of presenting a Geometry Lesson in Solid Mensuration.  It is a jigsaw puzzle that presents the different landmarks around the globe which models the different types of solid figures. At the back of each picture, brief information is given, specifically on the dimensions of the landmark. This is a way of presenting the lesson that can be both enjoyable and informational on the part of the students as well as the teacher.  This may also be a means of assessing the students’ spatial intelligence.  The puzzle can be presented before the discussion proper to provide the students time to prepare their minds for the lesson.
  B. Skills Developed: Spatial Skills, Reading
  C. Procedure:    
1. Divide the class into six groups.  Assign each group a leader, a secretary and a reporter.
2. Provide each group with a puzzle pieces, a scotch tape and a Manila paper.
3. Let the students solve the puzzle by fitting each piece correctly to form the picture.
4. Before pasting the solved puzzle in the Manila paper, with the use of the scotch tape, let the students jot down the information about the picture.
5. Aware the students that they will only be given 3 minutes to accomplish the activity.
6. Each group must post their picture on the walls of the room.
7. The reporter will be asked to stand by the wall where the picture is posted to read to the viewers the information about the picture.
8. Each group will be given one minute to roam around the room to see the gallery.

An Improvised Compass

  A. Description:  
An improvised compass is a tool very useful in drawing circles. This will help students some lessons in Geometry and Trigonometry. This will provide students an aid in drawing perfect circles when a compass is not available.  This is an innovation that may be prepared by anyone with materials right at hand.
  B. Materials:
Paper, two ball pens
  C. Skills developed:
Drawing of perfect circles, Resourcefulness
  D. Procedure:
1. Get a ¼ sheet of intermediate paper. Fold it clockwise three times.
2. Get two ball pens. Drive the ball points into the folded paper such that the distance between them corresponds to the desired radius of the circle.
3. With one ball point stationary, move the other ball point until the desired circle is drawn.

Coffee Can Geometry

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Table of Values of Special Angles in a Unit Circle

All About Proportions....

All about Proportion

A.    Description:
“All About Proportion” is a very challenging means of applying the fundamental laws of proportion and solving problems involving proportional segment.  This instructional material consists of questions to be answered. Each answer corresponds to a letter which unlocks the meaning of proportion. It assesses students’ overview on fractions. This can be presented after the discussion proper to provide the students follow up on the lesson discussed.
B.    Skill Developed:        Arithmetic Skills
C.    Procedure:
1.     Group the students accordingly. Assign each group a leader and a secretary.
2.    Distribute the instructional material to each group.
3.    Instruct the students to answer each of the questions. Under each choice is a letter. Use these letters to provide the meaning of proportion.
4.    Aware the students that the activity is under time pressure and that they will only be given 5 minutes to accomplish such task.
5.    After 5 minutes, each group will check their work to be facilitated by the teacher.
6.    The group with the highest number of rating will be recognized.
