Tuesday, December 27, 2011

All About Proportions....

All about Proportion

A.    Description:
“All About Proportion” is a very challenging means of applying the fundamental laws of proportion and solving problems involving proportional segment.  This instructional material consists of questions to be answered. Each answer corresponds to a letter which unlocks the meaning of proportion. It assesses students’ overview on fractions. This can be presented after the discussion proper to provide the students follow up on the lesson discussed.
B.    Skill Developed:        Arithmetic Skills
C.    Procedure:
1.     Group the students accordingly. Assign each group a leader and a secretary.
2.    Distribute the instructional material to each group.
3.    Instruct the students to answer each of the questions. Under each choice is a letter. Use these letters to provide the meaning of proportion.
4.    Aware the students that the activity is under time pressure and that they will only be given 5 minutes to accomplish such task.
5.    After 5 minutes, each group will check their work to be facilitated by the teacher.
6.    The group with the highest number of rating will be recognized.

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