Friday, December 30, 2011

An Improvised Compass

  A. Description:  
An improvised compass is a tool very useful in drawing circles. This will help students some lessons in Geometry and Trigonometry. This will provide students an aid in drawing perfect circles when a compass is not available.  This is an innovation that may be prepared by anyone with materials right at hand.
  B. Materials:
Paper, two ball pens
  C. Skills developed:
Drawing of perfect circles, Resourcefulness
  D. Procedure:
1. Get a ¼ sheet of intermediate paper. Fold it clockwise three times.
2. Get two ball pens. Drive the ball points into the folded paper such that the distance between them corresponds to the desired radius of the circle.
3. With one ball point stationary, move the other ball point until the desired circle is drawn.

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